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Things I'm Loving This April

Living in Up State New York is very different then living in SoCal. But I'm loving it. Since being in the house we have been working to make it our own and I finally got to buy all the things I have been lusting over for my new home!

I am happy to make this months love it list. This months list will have mostly housewares, furniture and a few other things!

Electric Fireplace with Mantel

My husband and I where hoping to find a place with a fireplace but the place we found we loved despite it not having a fireplace. Yet thanks to amazon we where able to supplement the fireplace need with a fake one. Its not as nice as having an actual fireplace but it is a nice substitute.

Swirly Victorian Inspired Love Seat

I was looking for a loveseat and stumbled onto this loveseat on amazon. I fell in love and luckily my husband like it too!

Timberland House Shoes

Living in Up State is a bit colder then living in SoCal. I'm kool with it, I prepared and I knew what I was getting into. I however forgot to get a new pair of flats to wear, so I found these Timberland house shoes and have been living in them!


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