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The New Normal in 2020

What an interesting time to be living and incidentally self-isolating. It has been a minute since I last posted and that's because since Christmas I have been dealing with mental heath issues and self improvement strategies. At the beginning of January before all this pandemic business, I decided to brake-up with social media. It was the best decision I could have made for my mental stability. Unfortunately, I have had an unhealthy relationship with social media ever sense the myspace era. Yes its true I have always wanted to be famous ( I always dreamed of being an actor) and since internet fame became a think I couldn't help but want that too. However I am not the type that is outwardly outgoing or an exhibitionist of sorts ( not since I was a shitty teenager). I stopped checking my social media not to long after that. I found myself caring all to much about likes, follows and why people posting similar things got more likes then me. I had to let go of this and focus on improving myself for the better. The longer I went without checking instagram and tiktok the better I felt about myself, I finally deleted the apps at the beginning of March. I did decide that blogging would be ok mainly because no one actually follows my blog and I can feel free to express myself, my fashion and my interests. I exists and I existed during the covid-19 era!

I'm still making clothing, nothing can stop me from creating fashion! I will be posting more lists, fashion posts and interests during this time. I need to keep busy as much of us are trying to do during these difficult and uncertain times!

I have a few projects in the works during the "shelter in place" order that I'm excited about. But I will leave this post here and end with the last outfit I made before the pandemic was declared and was actually able to visit places. Stay healthy, stay inside, we are all in this together! Lets flatten that curve so we can get back to possibly a new kinda normal.

Shirt dress and skirt by me

Belt is KillStar

Shoes are Converse

Jacket is Vintage

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