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The March Book List

Its been a few weeks into the "shelter in place" order in California and although I have barely left the house I managed to catch a cold. Its not covid-19! My husband has been taking my temperature and making sure to track my symptoms. I chatted with a teladoc on Friday and I am slowly recovering from this cold. It is serial to get the common cold during a pandemic. I had to calm myself down last night after my nose became very runny and my cough became dry. I'm fine and thinking of how to tackle another week in doors, with my 5 year old.

I have been trying my best at balancing homeschooling, house work, and my creative projects during this time and starting April 27th I will have to add my own online schooling to the mix. I'm almost done with my third year of college and rounding to final year. So far 2020 has been a bit of a sucker punch in more then one way. This week will mark the first anniversary of my grandmother passing and that in itself is serial.

To pass the time I have been indulging in sewing, reading and Wicca practices. For the last week of March I have made a list of the books I have been crazy about since breaking up with social media and since the start of the pandemic. Here are my top 5 books of March 2020!

1. Filthy: This book started it all. I found this at a record store and finished it in a week which is a quick read for me. The books that follow are because of this book!

2. Shock Value: Ok so its clear I have become obsessed with John Waters. He has always been an enigma and an inspiration. Especially after reading this book, the life lessons in this book are valuable at any age.

3. Mr. Know-It-All: This is the latest John Waters books and it is a great one, more life lessons to grown on, more inspiring stories to kick the creativity in gear!

4. My Face For the World to See: I learned about Liz Renay from none other then John Waters in Shock Value. He worked with her on Desperate Living. Her memoir seemed like a worth while read.

5. Coloring Book of Shadows 2020: I had to put this one in the list because not only is a grate day planner but it has wonderful witchy tips, tricks and moon cycle inside so you can plan the perfect spell casting sessions. The coloring element is wonderful for calming an anxious mind especially when things are currently the way they are

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