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A View From L.A.

Was there life before lock-down? Was there really a time when we were able to go to concerts, movies or the park? It seems these days are starting to run together. I'm not sure if its Monday or Wednesday. Its been such a long time since I've left the house.

My husband insisted I get out even for a donuts run. I decided well we may not be able to go out to places like we use to but it couldn't hurt to take a drive as long as we never left the car. We decided why not take a short drive up to Santa Monica to see just how much the world has changed in the past month since the outbreak and get out of the house even if only for 30 minutes. I'm from SoCal, born and raised, and have never seen the beach cities so empty. This was a Sunday at noon in Santa Monica and Venice and they didn't seem themselves. I took some pictures of some of the most high traffic areas on the LA coast.

By far the best part of our little outing was the fact that we saw Superman Handing out face masks on a corner. A tiny bit of faith in humanity restored.

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