Digital Dragcon 2020

RuPauls Dragcon is a yearly extravaganza I look forward to in an epic fashion. I will usually plan mine and my bff's outfits six month in advance. We have been to almost every dragcon since it started expect two. I took my 2 year old son to my first ever dragcon which was the second ever Dragcon LA and he loved it and every Dragcon I'v taken him to scene, and he always enjoyed it! He would have come with me to this years dragcon along with my bff, except for there is no psychical dragcon this year. Which sucks, but we can still dragout to epic proportions even in a virtual setting. RuPaul brought us Digital Dragcon this weekend! Thank You Universe!! Thank you RuPaul! Thank you every DragGlamazon for pulling it out to bring us together while we are all apart. I did get a little draged out today! Sunday I will trie harder!

First day of dragcon started at noon today on youtube. I unfourtunintely get to "tune in" later in the day. But totally worth it. What we are going threw as a global society is unpresidentneted. Being able to to have a digital dragcon is inspring, conferting and knee slapping. Here are by far my favorites parts and buys of Digital Dragcon 2020.
Love Minlila Luzon: Not gunna lie I bought the fuck fashion shirt. It had nothing to do with her wearing it on the couch.

Scaredy Kat: So many feels. I love this DragQueen and have been following her for years now on instagram. If you're into kampy Kawaii please give Scaredy Kat some love! Plus this song is all the lock down feels.

Denique: Is by far an exceptional and moving violoncellist but I'm bias. I love the violent. Popped Tears!

Mrs. Kasha Davis. Reading rainbow feels.

Merch is something that is synonomus with cons in general and I couldnt help but want to jump on this years merch. Helping Queens and getting swag is always a plus!

I'm excited for tomorrows conuniation of Digital Dragcon 2020! What is the theme of your dragcon 2020 outfit theme this year?