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Things I'm Loving this May: The List

May is here, school is in session and I'm playing the part of both teacher and student. Overwhelmed is an understatement. Today's post theme, all the different way to be stylish and get high as balls during lock-down. There are a few things during this hectic month that are at least putting a smile on my face besides weed goods I promise. I thought I might share the mix and spread the good feelings!

Home made Fancy Coffee: I miss my Starbucks lattes and coffee shop cappuccinos. From time to time we might stop and get a fancy coffee while out grocery shopping but most of the time its home coffee. I got into the habit lately of making my own fancy coffee. Not a latte or cap but its a nice coffee and hits the spot in the afternoon.

Velveteen Face Mask: At first I was not really on board with fashion mask. Of course I came around real quick and now I'm looking through my remnants to make stylish face masks to wear when out and about. So far I've made this velveteen one and I'm planning outfits around it why not!

Lagunitas Hi-Fi Hops: Cannabis infused sparkling water. I just tried this and it tastes not to far off from their IPA, hops. Which I like. Its a nice change of pace from the ordinary ipa beer. I try not to drink to much because with cannabis drinks if your not careful you could get to high and freak out. I know from experience.

Slip Dresses: I always loved the look a slip dress over a band t'. Every iteration of this style I always dig. And this season (feels like summer in socal already) I am in to it! My husband came downstares today and showed me that there is now a "Harry Potter at Home " sriese of Daniel Radcille reading Harry Potter. I have never been more delighted. A amazing watch for all Harry Potter fans!

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