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44 Days Till Halloween

Halloween this year is going to no doubt be vastly different then any year we have yet experienced. Costumes this year will probably consist of full face covering, or at least mouth and nose covering. Will party's still be a thing? Will haunted houses still function, possibly, just not like they use to.

My little family is trying to figure out how we can still enjoy the holiday but in a socially distancing world. Perhaps a small dinner and mystery game, or a small gathering of close friends in the back yard, weather permitting. I'm just not sure yet, but I am excited to decorate and start making costumes even if it does mean having a slightly different version of Halloween this year.

Here is a list of my favorite past diy Halloween projects, decorations and fall aesthetics. I hope they inspire you to get in the Halloween mood!

Ghost Legs

This is a perfectly easy diy haunted house or just a fun Halloween decoration project. These are my husband and sons legs. This paranormal project was a hit so we put it up the following year but had to adjust them because they became weak while in storage. Made with plastic wrap and clear packing tape.

The spooktacular Fireplace

Each year I like to decorate our fireplace for the haunting season. The first photo is from the first year I decorated the fire place. I didn't get any good photos of the head I put inside that looked like it was on fire. The second photo is from last year. I really like how it come it came out. I cant wait to figure out how I'm going to do it different this year.

The Family Pumpkin Patch

For the past two July's my little family has planted a pumpkin patch specifically for Halloween. My son and I love the pumpkins and Halloween. Last year we made the mistake of putting pumpkins in the compost and for the past year we have had pumpkins sprouting like weeds all over the garden. This July we just let them grow. The first photo ended up being the seeds that sprouted the second photo which was taken last month. The pumpkin baby's are already turning orange. Fall vibes in my opinion.

Pumpkin Flavored Everything

Pumpkin spice lattes are already being served at Starbucks and dunkin. Pair that with a pumpkin muffin or bread slice. Nothing says fall like a pumpkin spice latte in your favorite Halloween inspired outfit or sweater. Planned pumpkin flavored things I want to make this fall: cookies, bread, waffles, pumpkin pie pops, pumpkin pie twists and of course crock pot pumpkin latte.

Custom Banners

Last year I made the cute Hocus Pocus banner to hang, but it got water damage and I had to throw it out along with a whole host of other decorations. Sad but I have the memorys. I do plan on making a few new things to go with the decoration theme this year, Vampire!

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