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Things I'm Loving This September

September is here and time seems to be traveling at its own pace these days. Its nice to be able to step back and take a little time to slow down and take stock of the things I'm loving each month and share them with the blogospher.

This month I'm trying to stay frugal and infuse more fun fall fashions into the mix as we transition to fall. Sweater weather! I'm very excited! Here are five things I'm loving this month!

Diamond Silicone Dry Brush Cleaner

This gem was found at the dollar tree. The diamond works well, is easy to clean and is convenient. It can even sucshion to a mirror.

Refrigerating my beauty Products

On pintrest you will find tones of photos and blogs about the infamous beauty fridges. What are they and why should I care? I looked into it a bit and the pros and cons are equally for and not for their use. I decided, I like thought of a nice cold face cleanser so I put some of my beauty products in the fridge. So far its only been like three days, but in this heat I love it! Its crazy refreshing.

Charlotte Dobre on Youtube

I should be doing my homework but instead I'm laughing my ass off at the Charlotte Dobre's youtube reaction videos. There are not many youtubers channels I watch. Valtair and Charlotte on the regulate though.

Pyrite Buttons

While doing research for a school project I came up with the idea to turn pyrite stones into buttons to add to garments. They look dope!

Bill and Ted Face the Music

My husband and I watched all the Bill and Ted movies over the weekend after I was reminded about the reboot. The first movie has been a favorite since childhood. Party on Bill! I forgot how ridiculous the second movie was. Station! The re-booted Bill and Ted had me crying, laughing and wondering how much work Keanu has really had. An oh man he has done so many action films in his career I think he forgot how to act in a comedy. I loved it! Definitely the feel good, bring the world together type movie we need right now! Be excellent to each other! Party on Ted!

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