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New Year, New Outlook

Happy New Year! We made it through 2021 and here we are in 2022. Looking ahead has always been a bit hard for me but with how crazy and unpredictable the last few years have been I'm changing my outlook. I will keep making clothing and keep trying to make a name for myself as a designer no matter the struggle, I love to make clothes.

News years eve is a great time to do a new years themed tarot spread. I have drawn out my cards for a quick read and as with most of my pulls I am encouraged to continue with my dream path. I have made a habit this year of doing a daily tarot and oracle pull. It is great self care I will continue in the new year.

In 2022 I am looking forward to new fashion opportunity's and new projects to share and blog about!

Made dress for xmas day but didn't get any photos. I played dress up for new years eve. The dress was inspired by selkie. I paired the dress with my pink coach belt, white knit stockings and clear studded Steve Maddens.

Happy New Year!!


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