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Things I'm Loving This June

Summer seems to have snuck up on us again. Things are moving along here, I'm rounding out to the last weeks of my BA program. My kid has 10 days left before being officially on summer break and I took on a new role at a new and exciting company. We are waiting to be able to move to a new home and in that time we are taking things slow. However we still want to enjoy the summer season while we are still in our current living situations. Here is this months list of things I'm loving!

San Pellegrino Pink Grapefruit

I cut soda out of my deity habits a long time ago. I do still enjoy a carbonated beverage from time to time. I have fallen he over heels for S.Pellegrino grapefruit.

Universal Folk Oracle

I have an addiction. I have fallen hard for oracle cards. I only have four decks but I tend to find ones I love and go all in. This time I have found and fallen in love with the beautifully illustrated Universal folk oracle by.... The deck is lovey to look at and has wonderful messages for growth and self acceptance. This cards are a tool of divination however I do not use them to tell the future or grant wishes. I use them as away to look past my usual depressed feeling. It can be hard to say positive things to myself, so I use the oracle to to say it to myself in a fun and creative way.

Edger Allen Poe's Complete Works

I had Poe's complete works when I was in my late teens. It got left with an old boyfriend in Michigan. I loved that book, I am a huge Poe fan and when I saw this version for 8$ at Barnes and Noble I had to get it. I enjoy reading his stories.

Lydia Deets Hat

Summer is here, and I am embracing the Lydia style hats. I usually don't like hats but I also don't like getting sun burned. I always loved the Lydia Deets style hats and decided to embrace the look for summer.


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